
When a floating platform or ship has an in internal volume that is not enclosed on all sides it is called a slack-tank. The effect of this slack-tank is to lower the metacentric height through a phenomena known as the ‘free surface effect’. However, in the case of the SSF, the internal tank does not open to air but rather opens to the submerging fluid. The result of this is that the internal volume acts as an inverse slack tank (IST) and raises the metacentric height rather than lower it.

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In October 2012 the J. Montgomery Group LLC entered into a Sponsored Research Agreement with Arizona State University College of Innovation and Technology.

Dr. Sangram Redkar, PHd., Associate Professor of Engineering was selected as Director of Research along with inventor Jim Montgomery.

Research has established, “When a float platform incorporates Suction-Stabilization there is a dramatic improvement in stability. Suction-Stabilization raises the effective metacentric height by approximately 300%, it increases the righting moment between 1000% and 1100%, and it increases the righting lever between 600% and 700% above a float with the same geometry that does not incorporate Suction-Stabilization.  The increase in these metrics allows SSF to withstand higher wind and wave loads than it would in the absence of Suction-Stabilization.”

December 2012,   Dr. Sangram Redkar, PHd.,  Initial Research and SSF Progress Report.

May 2013,  Luis Vendrill  “Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a Suction Stabilized float”  A Thesis in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Science in Technology. Arizona State University.

Currently in development -  C.S. Susheelkumar, “Hydrodynamic evaluation of a Suction-Stabilized Platform for a Floating Wind Turbine” A Thesis in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Science in Technology.  Arizona State University.